Region 6/Plantwny Virtual Education Day - March 3, 2021

Series Session 5 – Hosted by Region 6/Plantgwny Wednesday, March 3, 2021 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Credits Available: 1.5 CNLP Credits | ISA Credits Pending
Trends in Horticulture with David L. Culp, Principle of David L. Culp Designs
Course Description David Culp has his finger on the pulse of the nursery and horticulture industry, particularly perennial plants. Hear what he has to say about trends in planting styles, container gardening, green and other trending garden colors, native plants, naturalistic plantings and more.
About Our Presenter

David Culp is the creator of the gardens at Brandywine Cottage in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, which are listed in the Smithsonian Institution/Archives of American Gardens. The gardens have been featured on television and numerous magazine publications. David is the principle of David L. Culp Designs, owner of the galanthus nursery Brandywine Snowdrops, and the developer of the Brandywine Hybrid strain of hellebores. David has been lecturing about gardens nationwide for over 25 years, and teaches herbaceous perennials at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. David is the author of The Layered Garden (Timber Press), which won a Gold Medal from the Garden Writers Association (GardenComm) for Best Overall Book of the Year. His new book, A Year at Brandywine Cottage: Six Seasons of Beauty, Bounty and Blooms (Timber Press), takes us further, detailing how more than 30 years creating this sensational year-round garden provides an abundance of joy, both indoors and out, whether it’s choosing plants for twelve months of interest, weaving edibles into the mix, or bringing the bounty indoors with simple arrangements and homegrown recipes.