Region 8/Plantstny Virtual Education Day - March 10, 2021

Series Session 6 – Hosted by Region 8/Plantstny Wednesday, March 10, 2021 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Credits Available: 1.5 CNLP Credits | ISA Credits: Certified Arborist 1.5, Utility Specialist 1.5, Municipal Specialist 1.5, BCMA-Mgmt. 1.5
Inspiring the Next Generation - A Panel Discussion on Developing a Great Workforce Moderator – Leigh McGonagle, CNLP, Region 8 Vice President
Course Description As business owners and managers, we all face challenges around attracting and retaining an amazing workforce. In this session we will hear from some great minds in the industry and hear some stories and tactics that are helping them be successful, including:
- recruiting & hiring strategies
- training & development programs
- addressing seasonality
- changing the perception of the industry
- resources with high schools/colleges/state programs
- workforce development programs
- leveraging technology for operations and recruiting
- industry resources & tools.
About Our Presenters
Pam Dooley is the owner of Plants Creative in Decatur, GA and is an innovative player in the industry around the use of autonomous mowers, is an outspoken leader for promoting the industry and leverages tech to support her customers and team members.
 Jeff Ronhaar, owner of Jeff’s Outdoor in Ontario Canada. Jeff is always on the lookout for great team members.
Jennifer Myers is the senior director of Workforce Development at National Association of Landscape Professionals. She also leads the charge for the Women in Landscape Network, which helps to promote the industry to females.
Leigh McGonagle, CNLP, Owner of Farm Girl Gardens, a multi-service green industry company focused on innovation in the industry, as well as Poplar Point Studio, a fine gardening company near Ithaca, NY.
Our Ed Day Schedule: Wednesday, March 10, 2021
9:00 – 9:10 a.m. State of 8 – Update from Region 8 President, Liz Snyder, CNLP
9:10 – 9:15 a.m. A Word from Our Sponsor
9:15 – 10:15 a.m. Panel Discussion
10:15 – 10:30 a.m. Q&A Session